
Backup failing to Glacier - Synology

Did you happen to attempt to lower the multipart upload size to 32MB? As mentioned, I can't review tickets submitted in the UK region, so ...

Glacier Backup - Knowledge Center

The default multipart upload part size is 512MB , please set a smaller number if the network environment is unstable.

Glacier Backup : rsynology

With 10 Mbps upload it's going to take some time regardless. 500 GB will take somewhere in the neighborhood of 4 Days, 23 Hours, and 18 Minutes, ...

Glacier Backup Technical Specifications

Maximum multipart upload part size: 512 MB; File transfer encryption to ensure data security; File-level incremental backup and file-based deduplication ...

Glacier Backup 技術規格

Multipart Upload 檔案分割大小上限:512 MB; 支援檔案傳輸加密以確保資料安全性; 支援在同一備份任務中的檔案層級增量備份及重複資料刪除; 提供在檔案從來源移除後,仍能 ...


Didyouhappentoattempttolowerthemultipartuploadsizeto32MB?Asmentioned,Ican'treviewticketssubmittedintheUKregion,so ...,Thedefaultmultipartuploadpartsizeis512MB,pleasesetasmallernumberifthenetworkenvironmentisunstable.,With10Mbpsuploadit'sgoingtotakesometimeregardless.500GBwilltakesomewhereintheneighborhoodof4Days,23Hours,and18Minutes, ...,Maximummultipartuploadpartsize:512MB;Filetransferencrypt...